Online coverage of the Annual International IATEFL Conference & Exhibition in Glasgow, 2017
I have just become an IATEFL Online Registered Blogger.
Unfortunately, I cannot join the Conference. Personally, I am willing to 'attend virtually' (or sometimes follow an online coverage) and share the knowledge with other instructors from around the globe.
Following my previous year experience, I am willing to write a few blog posts about the video content (streamed or recorded interviews or video sessions) published on the IATEFL Online site during the 2017 IATEFL Conference.
Watch the 2017 IATEFL Conference live online
51st Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition
SEC, Glasgow, UK
4th-7th April 2017
Pre-Conference Events and Associates' Day, 3rd April 2017
SEC, Glasgow, UK
4th-7th April 2017
Pre-Conference Events and Associates' Day, 3rd April 2017