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Showing posts with label Polish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polish. Show all posts

Saturday, June 10, 2017

The genius of Marie Curie - Shohini Ghose

Marie Skłodowska Curie’s revolutionary research laid the groundwork for our understanding of physics and chemistry, blazing trails in oncology, technology, medicine, and nuclear physics, to name a few. But what did she actually do? Shohini Ghose expounds on some of Marie Skłodowska Curie’s most revolutionary discoveries.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

English Core Quadrant animation (5 minutes)

http://www.pearson.pl/pearson-streaming-2017-06-09-2/go.htmlCome and 
Come and talk to Professor Jacek  Santorski.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Saturday, June 14, 2014

4th Tri-annual Moodle MOOC on WizIQ


Moodle MOOC 4 (MM4) is the 4th Tri-annual Moodle MOOC on WizIQ (June, October, February) and Moodle for Teachers. MM4 started on June 1, 2014. The energy is high as the participants are actively engaged with the content, each other, and the facilitators of the MOOC. Participants are engaging in discussions on the course feed in the course area on WizIQ and on the Moodle training courses for beginners and non-beginners in the discussion forums.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Poland’s Road from Oppression to Freedom


 Under the pressure of social revolt, the communist authorities signed agreements with the striking workers. They also had to agree to register the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union “Solidarity” which was led by Lech Wałęsa for the years that followed.

“Solidarity” was not a purely trade union or worker organisation, however, as it was impossible to establish a political party then, it remained an enormous (with 10 million members) power opposing the communist system. The Polish United Worker’s Party did not tolerate this role of “Solidarity” and perceived the organisation as a great threat, especially as they had no intention to give up or share their power.

The Polish United Worker’s Party and the Soviet Union were outraged by the “Message to the working people of Eastern Europe” adopted in autumn 1981 at the First “Solidarity” Congress. In line with the Polish tradition of fighting “for our freedom and yours”, the message supported and empathised with the struggle for free trade unions in Soviet bloc states.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

My Teaching Methods

I have been a Polish and English teacher since 1976.
I often find myself thinking in Polish and English, flying back and forth from the two languages.
It is difficult to manage exchanging thoughts in two languages simultaneously.  Anyhow, why would you like to? Generally speaking, I am for blended learning and teaching with no remark to L1.
Thinking in a foreign language from an early stage helps students gain a level of fluency making very few errors in communication.
I believe, the sooner a student learns to think in a foreign language, the faster she/he will learn. This can only take place if no reference at all is made to L1. My learners need to be free from the interruption of L1.
Maybe I am wrong because it is obviously much easier to teach/learn with the help of pure conversion.
On the other hand, I know that anyone who is learning a second language wishes and dreams about communicating and thinking in that language.
I teach a lot, approximately 4 Polish classes and 4 English classes a day, and I have to admit that my students are very successful learners.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

We Are Online


I am interested in cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, and cultural skills.  My project is about improving self-understanding, knowledge of the value systems and practices of diverse groups and factors related to age, gender, ability, racial, ethnic, lifestyle characteristics…

How about you?

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

Easter Traditions Around the World

In Poland, Easter Monday is marked by an activity known as "Śmigus-Dyngus” where people pour water all over each other. Young children run around the streets with water guns and buckets. The water is symbolic of a cleansing and rebirth as the season transitions to spring. It’s easy to have your kids try out this custom at home with any number of water games, like Fill ‘er Up, or with some plain old-fashioned water play. Just make sure you have your towels ready!

Easter Traditions from Around the World

Pouring water on one another is a Polish Easter tradition called Smingus-Dyngus. On Easter Monday, boys try to drench other people with buckets of water, squirt guns or anything they can get their hands on. Legend says girls who get soaked will marry within the year. The refreshing tradition has its origins in the baptism of Polish Prince Mieszko on Easter Monday in 966 AD

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Polish Easter Egg Traditions different techniques from different regions

Easter is major holiday in Poland, and Easter celebrations are not limited to Easter Sunday. Easter-related traditions take place for more than a week in Poland. From Palm Sunday to Wet Monday, this period is marked with religious rites and practices with their origins in pagan times. It is important to note that Easter in Poland is celebrated Western Roman Catholic calendar.