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Showing posts with label halina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halina. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Unlock the Power of English with Halina Ostańkowicz–Bazan, Your Skilled English Teacher.

Unlock the Power of English with Halina Ostańkowicz–Bazan, Your Skilled English Teacher. 

This document underscores the impressive career of Halina Maria Ostańkowicz, a highly accomplished English teacher and lecturer. Halina's warm and approachable nature, extensive experience, and innovative teaching methods set her firmly at the forefront of language education. With a remarkable background spanning over 45 years, Halina confidently employs a robust blended learning model that seamlessly integrates both online and virtual classes, connecting with students worldwide and surpassing the limitations of traditional classroom settings. Her exceptional credentials showcase her passion for teaching English and Polish as foreign languages and highlight her unwavering commitment to continuous growth as a lifelong learner. 

Key Points

- As a Senior University Lecturer at Wrocław University of Technology since 1992, Halina brings a wealth of knowledge and insight, empowering aspiring linguists and educators to excel in their language pursuits. 

- With over four decades of dedicated teaching experience, her deep expertise allows her to anticipate and address students' unique challenges, enabling her to tailor her approach effectively. 

Halina is a true innovator. She doesn't just teach; she transforms learning. She incorporates many technological tools into her lessons—from user-friendly low-tech resources to advanced high-tech solutions—greatly enhancing student engagement and understanding. 

Her tenure as a Premium Teacher on WizIQ from 2011 to 2016 solidified her reputation in online teaching. She developed engaging, interactive lessons that captured and motivated students' interests. 

On Preply, she delivers a captivating learning experience through her dynamic blended learning approach and inventive flipped classroom strategies. She inspires students to take charge of their education while fostering collaboration. 

- Embracing the latest educational technology and methodology advancements, Halina effectively integrates cutting-edge tools like AI-based language learning apps and project-based learning strategies, providing students with a rich and personalized learning experience. 

Halina's commitment to lifelong learning is not just a personal belief; it's a driving force in her teaching. By actively seeking new experiences and techniques, she enhances her own skills and inspires her students to embrace a mindset of continuous growth and exploration in their educational journeys. 



Sunday, December 4, 2016

Język angielski lekcje i kursy indywidualne



                         Język angielski lekcje i kursy indywidualne


Ø Lekcje i kursy dla wszystkich, którzy szybko chcą nauczyć się lub udoskonalić znajomość języka angielskiego .

Ø Nauka języka angielskiego online/ Skype lub u nauczyciela.

-          Nauczyciel koncentruje się tylko na Tobie i Twoich indywidualnych potrzebach

-          Płatność z góry co miesiąc za ilość zaplanowanych zajęć w danym miesiącu

-          To Twój wybór, ile razy w tygodniu uczysz się języka i jak długo trwają zajęcia 

-          Elastyczny plan zajęć: dni i godziny lekcji możesz zmienić (jeśli tylko nauczyciel jest dostępny w danym czasie) 

-          Kurs przydatny również w biznesie lub jako przygotowanie do egzaminów 

Koszt zajęć: 

Ø Dzieci 65 zł za godzinę / 60 minut

Ø Dorośli 110 zł za 90 minut


-                      Możliwość nauki z drugą osobą (koszt kursu dzielony na dwie osoby),

Halina Ostańkowicz – Bazan

(+48) 605 882 586

Monday, October 17, 2016

Halina's English Academy

Private lessons with Halina
I understand what YOU need to succeed with English. I know the essential skills you need to develop to become an effective communicator in English.
I would love to teach you one-to-one!
I am available for private lessons on Skype or in my virtual classroom. My online classroom is equipped with a microphone, camera, whiteboard, media player, file sharing, and a variety of other tools.
I have 25 years of experience teaching private English lessons to adults and adolescents from beginning level to advanced.
My students have included business executives, professors, medicine doctors, engineers, university students, primary and secondary school students, and adults learning English for daily life.
I know I can help you make significant, fast ae well as adequate progress in English.
For your program, you can choose any of the topics listed below or suggest additional topics. I will design the lessons to suit your specific needs.
General Conversation Skills
Everyday expressions, idioms, slang, conversation topics and situations, cultural issues, and skill-building in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
Business English
Interview and CV preparation, oral and written reports and presentations, formal and informal business meetings, entrepreneurial culture, office English, and skill-building in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
Academic English
Interview preparation, university applications, oral presentations, academic vocabulary, academic writing and research, academic culture, campus English, and skill-building in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
Exam Preparation
Single private lessons: $25 per hour or $40 for 90 minutes.
Package of 5 one-hour lessons: $125
Package of 5 90-minute lessons: $200
Package of 10 one-hour lessons: $250
Package of 10 90-minute lessons: $400
Discounts are also available for small group lessons.
Prices include all materials (PDF documents, audio files, and video files) and communication via email or chat.
We can discuss meeting times and payment options during a free consultation.
Please contact me about private lessons.
I hope to meet and begin teaching you soon!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Flipping Large Classes: Three Strategies to Engage Students

Flipping Large Classes: Three Strategies to Engage Students
 For large classrooms, you can assign a different colored hat to six different sections in the room. Students within each section can work in pairs or threes to analyze the problem based on the hat they are assigned. This strategy can also be designed as an individual learning activity. Provide worksheets or online tools for students to document their thinking related to the hat they are assigned.

Blended learning offers a balanced approach, focused on redesigning instructional models first, then applying technology, not as the driver, but as the supporter, for high-quality learning experiences that allow a teacher to personalize and make the most of the learning.
The technology helps to supply instructors with data, expand student choices for educational resources and learning materials, and deliver opportunities for students to practice and to exhibit the high-character performance.
Broadly speaking, I am for blended learning, which means taking advantage of both traditional f2f techniques and possibilities presented by new technologies.
Flipped Classrooms generally provides pre-recorded material (video or audio) followed by classroom activities. Learners watch the video before or after the class, this happens outside F2F meetings. Thank’s to that classroom time can be used for interaction, such as Q@A sessions, discussions, exercises other learning activities.
This is the perfect way to “invert” doings in the class with activities outside the teaching space.

Flipping is not just about video and technology.
Moreover, technology does not replace good teaching. It enhances good teaching.
Flipping helps us to get the best use of class time. It is a methodology that permits the instructor to involve students intensely in the collaborative community and produce a shared problem-solving workshop.

Halina's English Academy

I am inviting you to join my course.


Sunday, March 13, 2016

Video 4

I have been teaching languages for over 40 years.
I taught Polish as a foreign language in traditional settings at the Wroclaw University of Technology for about 41 years. I have been teaching English to speakers of other languages for over 25 years.
In 2000, I became an American Citizen.
In 2010, I started my online adventure mainly on WizIQ. Since that time I have been using technology in my classes.
I have been training in both face-to-face and blended learning arrangements.
Are you unsatisfied with your level of Spoken  English?
Do you want to become a forward-thinking speaker and reach to a great extent fluency?
Is joining English meetings very challenging? Is it difficult to participate and communicate efficiently?
If so, my course is for you!

Target Students
·       Are you nervous about communicating in English with foreign colleagues?
·       Do you have a good command of English, but feel like your flexibility may be lacking?
·       Would you like to learn how to sound more natural when making small talk and discussing problems?

·       Do you feel the need to improve your conversational skills?