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Showing posts with label online. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Unlock the Power of English with Halina Ostańkowicz–Bazan, Your Skilled English Teacher.

Unlock the Power of English with Halina Ostańkowicz–Bazan, Your Skilled English Teacher. 

This document underscores the impressive career of Halina Maria Ostańkowicz, a highly accomplished English teacher and lecturer. Halina's warm and approachable nature, extensive experience, and innovative teaching methods set her firmly at the forefront of language education. With a remarkable background spanning over 45 years, Halina confidently employs a robust blended learning model that seamlessly integrates both online and virtual classes, connecting with students worldwide and surpassing the limitations of traditional classroom settings. Her exceptional credentials showcase her passion for teaching English and Polish as foreign languages and highlight her unwavering commitment to continuous growth as a lifelong learner. 

Key Points

- As a Senior University Lecturer at Wrocław University of Technology since 1992, Halina brings a wealth of knowledge and insight, empowering aspiring linguists and educators to excel in their language pursuits. 

- With over four decades of dedicated teaching experience, her deep expertise allows her to anticipate and address students' unique challenges, enabling her to tailor her approach effectively. 

Halina is a true innovator. She doesn't just teach; she transforms learning. She incorporates many technological tools into her lessons—from user-friendly low-tech resources to advanced high-tech solutions—greatly enhancing student engagement and understanding. 

Her tenure as a Premium Teacher on WizIQ from 2011 to 2016 solidified her reputation in online teaching. She developed engaging, interactive lessons that captured and motivated students' interests. 

On Preply, she delivers a captivating learning experience through her dynamic blended learning approach and inventive flipped classroom strategies. She inspires students to take charge of their education while fostering collaboration. 

- Embracing the latest educational technology and methodology advancements, Halina effectively integrates cutting-edge tools like AI-based language learning apps and project-based learning strategies, providing students with a rich and personalized learning experience. 

Halina's commitment to lifelong learning is not just a personal belief; it's a driving force in her teaching. By actively seeking new experiences and techniques, she enhances her own skills and inspires her students to embrace a mindset of continuous growth and exploration in their educational journeys. 



Saturday, June 9, 2018

Summertime is the perfect language learning time.

 Summer Language Programs

For those lucky enough to have summers off, summer’s unstructured, spare hours mean there’s loads of time to concentrate on “wants” instead of “musts”—and if you’re here, it means you want to power up your language skills. Brilliant!
Summer, with its abundance of light-filled hours, warmer days and slower pace, is oh so casual. And that translates—in any language—to lots less stress. I don’t know about you, but I definitely learn with less trouble when I’m not stressing about things. Low stress equals high concentration potential for a lot of us!
Many language learning programs are only available during the summer, so if you want to grab the goods from one of those, summer is your only option.
Typically, summer programs are geared toward intensive learning. What does that mean to you, the language learner? Well, it’s great news because it means many summer courses are designed to help students gain skills more quickly!
For those lucky enough to have summers off, summer’s unstructured, spare hours mean there’s loads of time to concentrate on “wants” instead of “musts”—and if you’re here, it means you want to power up your language skills. Brilliant!
Summer, with its abundance of light-filled hours, warmer days and slower pace, is oh so casual. And that translates—in any language—to lots less stress. I don’t know about you, but I definitely learn with less trouble when I’m not stressing about things. Low stress equals high concentration potential for a lot of us!
Many language learning programs are only available during the summer, so if you want to grab the goods from one of those, summer is your only option.
Typically, summer programs are geared toward intensive learning. What does that mean to you, the language learner? Well, it’s great news because it means many summer courses are designed to help students gain skills more quickly!

Welcome to Halina's Summer English Courses


Sunday, November 19, 2017

Amazing Talker


I have been teaching English to speakers of other languages for over 25 years. I have been coaching both face-to-face and in blended learning arrangements. In 2010 I
became a Premium Online English Teacher, since that time I have been specializing in
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Utilizing new technologies makes my teaching more efficient and pleasurable.
I highly appreciate an interaction as well as cooperation with my students from Amazing Talker.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Adobe Education Exchange


Join me on the Adobe Education Exchange. It’s helpful for learning new digital skills and downloading free tutorials & project ideas. It's also great for connecting with other creative educators and getting help. Plus, it’s free!
Creativity — it’s our future.
Science, Graphic Design, Social Sciences, Humanities, Web, Arts, Education, Video & Audio, Mathematics
Age Levels
Early Childhood, 6-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18, Post-Secondary
Products Used
Photoshop Photoshop Lightroom
  • 5/5 | 52 Ratings
  • Rate this Teaching Material
Creativity — it’s our future.
Learn why creativity is so important in driving student success and how you can promote creativity among students in your classroom. You’ll consider various perspectives on the definition of creativity, see first-hand examples from leading experts and learn many potential ways to incorporate creativity into your own teaching. You’ll also explore examples of creative classrooms and design your own vision of a creative environment using Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom.
Essential Question:
What is creativity, and why is it vital for success in school and beyond?
Learning Objectives:
  • Explore and define creativity in the classroom.
  • Discover activities and attitudes that cultivate a creative culture in your classroom.
  • Incorporate research-based practices that encourage creativity in your lessons.
  • Discover the relationships between higher-order thinking skills, confidence and creativity as well as their effects on student achievement.
  • Design your personal creativity principles and create your vision of a creative classroom using Photoshop or Lightroom.
No prior experience with Photoshop or Lightroom is assumed.
Related Content:
This workshop is part of a six-workshop series entitled “Creativity in Today’s Classroom.”
The workshops in the series are as follows:
  1. Exploring Creativity in Today’s Classroom
  2. Designing Creativity in the Primary Grades Curriculum
  3. Designing Creativity in the Middle Grades Curriculum
  4. Designing Creativity in the Upper Grades Curriculum
  5. Designing Creativity in the Higher Education Curriculum
  6. Assessing Creativity in Today’s Classroom
  7. Managing the Creative Classroom
  8. Harnessing Mobile Learning for Creativity

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Reflection # 5 MoodleMOOT 2017 webinar with Halina Ostankowicz-Bazan

This is the video recorded by my Dear Friend Diana.
I would like everybody to listen to it and make some comments about the problem.
Having been an English teacher for almost my entire adult life , I decided to look for job offers online.
This  is what I saw;
We're sorry, this job offer is only visible to users who are in the USA.
Only for Native English Speakers.
Only for British and American native speakers.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Halina's Online English Classes

I am a passionate non- native English teacher from Poland. Teaching is a big part of my life. With that understanding, I am a lifelong scholar.
I am in a blended learning/ training and flipped classroom.
The traditional physical classroom settings for my lessons are not efficient enough.
In my view, technology gives us many new possibilities.
I prefer blended learning, which means, taking advantage of both, traditional f2f techniques and opportunities confronted by new technologies.
An occasion to meet and connect with people from the entire Globe is one of the reasons I appreciate online communication, very much.
I retired in October 2013 and signed for a freelance Senior Lecturer occupation at the Wroclaw University of Technology.
At present, I am going to continue taking and giving online English courses. What is more, I am confidently getting ready to finalize my online project Halina’s English

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Why You Need To Include Narrative In Your Online Learning

Why You Need To Include Narrative In Your Online Learning:
Want to know why you need to include Narrative In Your Online Learning? Check all the reasons why you need to include Narrative In Your Online Learning.
Storytelling is my primary teaching approach.
The main benefit to using narrative in training is that stories are easier to remember
 It just involves creating a story in your mind containing all the elements you want to recall.
The ancient memory recall technique that’s still used by majority of teachers and students is not effective at all.
Memorizing isolated vocabulary doesn't  make any sense.
Students should learn the language in the natural contexts, with the expressions, the phrases, and idioms.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

IATEFL Online Conference in Glasgow

Tune in for live coverage from Glasgow on Monday 3rd April

Online coverage of the Annual International IATEFL Conference & Exhibition in Glasgow, 2017
I have just become an IATEFL Online Registered Blogger.
Unfortunately, I cannot join the Conference. Personally, I am willing to 'attend virtually' (or sometimes follow an online coverage) and share the knowledge with other instructors from around the globe.
Following my previous year experience, I am willing to write a few blog posts about the video content (streamed or recorded interviews or video sessions) published on the IATEFL Online site during the 2017 IATEFL Conference.
Watch the 2017 IATEFL Conference live online
51st Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition
SEC, Glasgow, UK
4th-7th April 2017
Pre-Conference Events and Associates' Day, 3rd April 2017

http://iatefl.britishcouncil.org/2017 | Tune in for live coverage from Glasgow Monday 3rd April

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Halina, English teacher from Poland - italki

Halina, English teacher from Poland - italki

I have been teaching English online since 2010. I have taught children as well as adults. I have a master’s degree in education from the University of Wroclaw, Poland, Philology, Linguistics Jul 1974.

After 40 years of teaching, I grow into an experienced online professional tutor. I specialize in Conversational English. I also prepare, for variety tests, including the Cambridge and Oxford standardized exams.

I have learnt a lot from my online friend Dr. Nellie, who has been giving me wonderful opportunities to join her online courses as well as online conferences.

Thanks to her as a passionate English teacher, I take advantage of new technologies. My approach is Teaching English with Technology. I use blended learning, flipping the classroom, learning by teaching or encouraging change from passive to fully active learners are significant implements in my teaching/ learning.

The view from my balcony.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Język angielski lekcje i kursy indywidualne



                         Język angielski lekcje i kursy indywidualne


Ø Lekcje i kursy dla wszystkich, którzy szybko chcą nauczyć się lub udoskonalić znajomość języka angielskiego .

Ø Nauka języka angielskiego online/ Skype lub u nauczyciela.

-          Nauczyciel koncentruje się tylko na Tobie i Twoich indywidualnych potrzebach

-          Płatność z góry co miesiąc za ilość zaplanowanych zajęć w danym miesiącu

-          To Twój wybór, ile razy w tygodniu uczysz się języka i jak długo trwają zajęcia 

-          Elastyczny plan zajęć: dni i godziny lekcji możesz zmienić (jeśli tylko nauczyciel jest dostępny w danym czasie) 

-          Kurs przydatny również w biznesie lub jako przygotowanie do egzaminów 

Koszt zajęć: 

Ø Dzieci 65 zł za godzinę / 60 minut

Ø Dorośli 110 zł za 90 minut


-                      Możliwość nauki z drugą osobą (koszt kursu dzielony na dwie osoby),

Halina Ostańkowicz – Bazan

(+48) 605 882 586

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Individual English Lessons with Halina

Feel invited to my English Online classes.

  • Are you nervous about communicating in English with foreign colleagues?
  • Do you have a good command of English, but feel like your flexibility may be lacking?
  • Would you like to learn how to sound more natural when making small talk and discussing problems?
  • Do you feel the need to improve your conversational skills?

If you responded "YES" to any of these queries, then join up right away!

I give English one to one tutoring classes as well as ONLINE English Courses.

I understand what YOU need to succeed with English. I know the essential skills you need to develop to become an effective communicator in English.

My classes are for students who want to use a most proficient approach to get fluent in English fast by practicing English Skills. Training is a subconscious process and is faster than conscious learning.

Being able to communicate effectively is the most important of all life skills.

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another, whether this is vocal,  written, visually or non-verbally (using body language, gestures and the tone and pitch of the voice). 

How well this information can be transmitted and received is a measure of how good our communication skills are.

Training your English communication skills can facilitate all aspects of your life, from your professional spirit to social gatherings and everything in between. 

Conventional methods of learning English exemplify passive learning with a limited success rate. I firmly believe in Active Learning of English Skills which is much more effective than passive learning.

These are the primary disadvantages of passive English learning

1. The major weakness of passive learning is that it splits the language into different components – reading, writing, listening, grammar, and pronunciation – which you try to learn separately.

2. When learners are not actively involved in the class, they continue to think in their native language. Whatever the instructor explains to them, they try to interpret it in their mother tongue. It becomes nearly impossible to process the information intuitively or spontaneously.

3. Because learners aren’t taught to think in English, they are unable to communicate in English.

Active learning helps students start speaking English confidently in less than a year.
Active learning is more than just listening: it involves the
active participation of students. They must use the language all the time and be emotionally involved in the process.

We need the conversion from Passive Learning to Active Training English Skills

As a language teacher, I use all kinds of tricks just because making students speak and building their self-confidence in keeping the conversation going is the most essential for me.
When I teach Polish, my foreigners and I have to speak only Polish, and also my English classes are run entirely in English. I teach without a bridge language.
This way they are required to forget about native language and start speaking as well as thinking in a foreign language. Thinking in a foreign language, this is simply what I want my learners to achieve.
My students learn the language in different contexts, mostly singing phrases, expressions, collocations, idioms, phrasal verbs also telling stories. Moreover, I inspire them to talk to everybody, even to themselves in a foreign language. Consequently, they
can communicate as well as discuss a variety of beautiful narrations.
Many teachers spend most of their time altering each other’s mistakes.

Nevertheless, I correct only fundamental errors, as I don’t want students to stop talking. I also encourage my learners to listen to songs, watch movies with subtitles in a language they learn, read a lot and so forth.

1. The most significant is to deliver comprehensible input. We improve the language when we understand it.

I am very much against the support in the native language.

2. Learners spend more time dynamically speaking English when we change them, for working students.
I also create an environment for gaining all language skills – reading, listening, speaking, writing, and pronunciation at the same time. Learners experience everyday situations again entirely in English.

3. The mobile is an obvious choice for delivering information. It affords pupils access to reading material both in the course of instruction and after the course of study. It covers support for sharing sessions with friends or teachers, which is essential for digital learners.

The lessons added by a teacher allow building an active connection between everyone.

As a result, I as an English teacher achieve a constant change from passive learning to the active, improving English skills.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Halina's Voki


English Teaching Online

I firmly believe in Active Learning of English Skills which is much more effective than passive learning.
My classes are for students who want to use a most proficient approach to get fluent in English fast by practicing English Skills. Being able to communicate effectively is the most important of all life skills.

I would be interested in connecting and talking to you.
I specialize in Conversational English Online courses.
Moreover, I have been successfully preparing for English exams since a long time ago.
 Why don't you check my profile here or just Google me?
Look forward to hearing from you.

Halina Ostankowicz – Bazan

Halina's Voki


English Teaching Online 

I would be interested in connecting and talking to you.
I specialize in Conversational English Online courses.
Moreover, I have been successfully preparing for English exams since a long time ago.
 Why don't you check my profile here or just Google me?
Look forward to hearing from you.

Halina Ostankowicz – Bazan

Monday, October 17, 2016

Halina's English Academy

Private lessons with Halina
I understand what YOU need to succeed with English. I know the essential skills you need to develop to become an effective communicator in English.
I would love to teach you one-to-one!
I am available for private lessons on Skype or in my virtual classroom. My online classroom is equipped with a microphone, camera, whiteboard, media player, file sharing, and a variety of other tools.
I have 25 years of experience teaching private English lessons to adults and adolescents from beginning level to advanced.
My students have included business executives, professors, medicine doctors, engineers, university students, primary and secondary school students, and adults learning English for daily life.
I know I can help you make significant, fast ae well as adequate progress in English.
For your program, you can choose any of the topics listed below or suggest additional topics. I will design the lessons to suit your specific needs.
General Conversation Skills
Everyday expressions, idioms, slang, conversation topics and situations, cultural issues, and skill-building in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
Business English
Interview and CV preparation, oral and written reports and presentations, formal and informal business meetings, entrepreneurial culture, office English, and skill-building in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
Academic English
Interview preparation, university applications, oral presentations, academic vocabulary, academic writing and research, academic culture, campus English, and skill-building in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
Exam Preparation
Single private lessons: $25 per hour or $40 for 90 minutes.
Package of 5 one-hour lessons: $125
Package of 5 90-minute lessons: $200
Package of 10 one-hour lessons: $250
Package of 10 90-minute lessons: $400
Discounts are also available for small group lessons.
Prices include all materials (PDF documents, audio files, and video files) and communication via email or chat.
We can discuss meeting times and payment options during a free consultation.
Please contact me about private lessons.
I hope to meet and begin teaching you soon!