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Showing posts with label world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world. Show all posts

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Teaching in the 21st Century







Monday, July 20, 2015

Well, computers can't really think, they don't emote, they don't understand poetry, we don't really understand how they work. So what? Computers right now can do the things that humans spend most of their time being paid to do, so now's the time to start thinking about how we're going to adjust our social structures and economic structures to be aware of this new reality.

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms

This is about how the current educational delivery approach, which has been used in education since the industrial revolution, is failing students, in this, the most exciting and dynamic time in human history.
Ken Robinson clearly identifies how the currently used old world model fails to solve the problems of the current and future world.
The MUST watch video.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Jacek Kaczmarski Mury

On natchniony i młody był, ich nie policzyłby nikt
On im dodawał pieśnią sil, śpiewał, że blisko już świt
Świec tysiące palili mu, znad głów unosił się dym
Śpiewał, że czas, by runął mur, oni śpiewali wraz z nim

Wyrwij murom zęby krat
Zerwij kajdany, połam bat
A mury runą, runą, runą
I pogrzebią stary świat!

Wkrótce na pamięć znali pieśń i sama melodia bez słów
Niosła ze sobą starą treść, dreszcze na wskroś serc i dusz
Śpiewali wiec, klaskali w rytm, jak wystrzał poklask ich brzmiał
I ciążył łańcuch, zwlekał świt, on wciąż śpiewał i grał

Wyrwij murom zęby krat
Zerwij kajdany, połam bat
A mury runą, runą, runą
I pogrzebią stary świat!

Aż zobaczyli ilu ich, poczuli siłę i czas
I z pieśnią, że już blisko świt, szli ulicami miast
Zwalali pomniki i rwali bruk - Ten z nami! Ten przeciw nam!
Kto sam, ten nasz najgorszy wróg! A śpiewak także był sam

Patrzył na równy tłumów marsz
Milczał wsłuchany w kroków huk
A mury rosły, rosły, rosły
Łańcuch kołysał się u nóg...

Patrzy na równy tłumów marsz
Milczy wsłuchany w kroków huk
A mury rosną, rosną, rosną
Łańcuch kołysze się u nóg...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom | Oxford University Press

Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom | Oxford University Press

As teachers, we base our instructional activities on many kinds of knowledge, including our own experience—not only as teachers but also as learners. Whether intentionally or not, we often teach as we taught last year (or five years ago) or as we were taught when we were students. And when we do try to teach in a different way, it may be because we were dissatisfied with our experiences—on either side of the teacher’s desk.


Monday, March 23, 2015

Halina Ostankowicz-Bazan at SBF15

The presentation is about how to communicate efficiently and the ways of improving communication skills.
My online activity inspired me to get reverting to my earlier research about effective communication.
From my view, connecting with the use of the Internet seems to be creating new questions about the way people communicate.
I am working to present a theoretical backdrop to the principles of the process of communication, as well as communications skills models.
My approach is based on the well-known model of the functions of language introduced by  Roman Jakobson. Although it is recognizable that Jakobson’s theory can be challenged on numerous grounds from a theoretical perspective, I have always been linked with his theoretical explanation of the purposes of linguistic communication.
“Jakobson and Halle’s initial statement of the principles of linguistic organization should be made available to all future generations of linguists. It builds a solid foundation for Saussurean thinking about linguisic oppositions and establishes distinctive feature theory as the basis of their formal treatment.”
Prof. Dr. William Labov, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Linguistics
Along with Roman Jakobson’s  functions of the language model, we can formulate some basic queries.
·       What is Communication?
·       The Categories of Communication.
·       The Communication Process.
·       Communication Channels.
·       Principles of Communication.
·       Interpersonal Communication Skills.
·       What is an online communication?
·       The Benefits of Blogging.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Competence in Communication

The presentation is about how to communicate efficiently and the ways of improving communication skills.
My online activity inspired me to get reverting to my earlier research about effective communication.
From my view, connecting with the use of the Internet seems to be creating new questions about the way people communicate.
I am working to present a theoretical backdrop to the principles of the process of communication, as well as communications skills models.
My approach is based on the well-known model of the functions of language introduced by  Roman Jakobson. Although it is recognizable that Jakobson’s theory can be challenged on numerous grounds from a theoretical perspective, I have always been linked with his theoretical explanation of the purposes of linguistic communication.
“Jakobson and Halle’s initial statement of the principles of linguistic organization should be made available to all future generations of linguists. It builds a solid foundation for Saussurean thinking about linguisic oppositions and establishes distinctive feature theory as the basis of their formal treatment.”
Prof. Dr. William Labov, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Linguistics
Along with Roman Jakobson’s  functions of the language model, we can formulate some basic queries.
·       What is Communication?
·       The Categories of Communication.
·       The Communication Process.
·       Communication Channels.
·       Principles of Communication.
·       Interpersonal Communication Skills.
·       What is an online communication?
·       The Benefits of Blogging.