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Thursday, March 13, 2014

How to Learn Foreign Language?

How to Learn Foreign Language?
I am confidently sure that learning a language includes commitment, tough work and patience. I would like to talk about some guidelines which are important in improving the language.
First, we should associate our passion or skills with language.
If we like singing, we can join the Karaoke classes and online groups.
Second, we may use the right of entry on internet.
YouTube is an excellent source of perfect materials. By watching thoughtfully teachers and native speakers using the language, we are able to learn faster and effortlessly.
There are very many outstanding language teachers and we can subscribe to their videos.
Third, learning language with some joy and fun should be our way.
It doesn’t mean that we shouldn't take learning seriously. I strongly believe in the funny side and benefits with our more effective results. Another advice would be watching movies with subtitles, next without them.
Taking part in free study lessons and online Speaking Groups, will help
a lot.

Teaching Foreign Language

As a non-native English teacher, I can make excellent role model for my students who may not have faith in their ability to learn the target language (" If I made it and speak this language thus you also can!").
I am against methods that emphasize learning about the language but for learning by using the language / expressions, collocations, models, patterns, language chunks......./.
I don't approve grammar classes explaining rules and language terminology. Speaking is the main reason for learning a language and the main motivational driver that keeps you trying and improving.
My experience tells that I ought to practice active learning principles to progress activities for my students that best mirror particular communication style and the topics, forms of thinking, and solving problems strategies which are needed to comprehend and relate to the topics.
In my view, the most important skill to master is speaking the language. This is difficult assignment especially if you don’t live or work in native speaking country. We can look for reliable supports to talk to. It is essential to find someone whom we’re comfortable speaking with.
Generally speaking in high schools worldwide, attention is still focused on the language in its written form and the objective is for the student to understand the structure and rules of the language, whose parts are dissected and analyzed. The body is of greater importance than communication. Teaching and learning are based on the syllabus. One studies the theory in the absence of the practice. One values the correct and represses the incorrect. Error correction is constant leaving little room for spontaneity. The student is taught how to form interrogative and negative sentences, memorize irregular verbs, study modal verbs, etc., but hardly ever masters the use of these structures in conversation.
I strongly believe that efficient teaching is personalized, takes place in a bicultural environment and is based on the personal skills of the language instructor in building interactions and creating situations of real communication with understandable input focusing on the learner's interests.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Picture a world without technology

It is said that technology is simply the use of knowledge, tools, materials, and processes to alter the natural world in order to satisfy human requirements and needs. Humans use technology to design, problem solve, invent, and innovate solutions to everyday problems. Captivating and monitoring nature continues to be a vital purpose of technology.

Is it possible to learn / teach without new technologies? Technology has changed the way we do things and it will continue to influence change.  We are willing to continue to learn and grow communication skills.

Is our everyday conversation changing?  I am sure, during my great-grandmother’s days  conversations went somewhat like this; “did you hear about…” My grandmother was from the generation of listening to the radio and then verbal communication took over again with family and friends passing along what they heard.  The conversation would have been “I heard on the radio that…”  When television came along, we all felt immediately connected even though some news took longer to report. The conversation may have started by “did you see on the news that….”or “did you read in the newspaper…..”  So how are our conversations today?  How many times do you hear today “I saw on-line that…”? Instead of introducing yourself we tend to say  ”why don’t you Google me “.......