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Tuesday, April 8, 2014


HALINA'S LEARNING, TEACHING AND MUCH MORE....: The Future of the Web: http://webtrends.about.com/od/Social-Media-Evolution/a/The-Future-Of-The-Web.htm Now that we live in an information age with zettabytes of...

The Future of the Web

Now that we live in an information age with zettabytes of data available, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to dig through all of it to find the useful chunks of information we might need. Thanks to Web 2.0, we’re now all content creators adding useful pieces of data every second through our tweets, our Facebook updates, our YouTube videos, photo uploads, our blog posts, our comments, our conversations and everything else we put online. As that big pile of data continues to grow, the problems associated with processing it within an ideal amount of time grow as well.

HALINA'S LEARNING, TEACHING AND MUCH MORE....: Positive Thinking - Use it to Get What You Want

HALINA'S LEARNING, TEACHING AND MUCH MORE....: Positive Thinking - Use it to Get What You Want: http://adulted.about.com/od/timemanagement/tp/Positive-Thinking-Use-It-To-Get-What-You-Want.htm?nl=1 It's easy to get stuck in a routin...

Positive Thinking - Use it to Get What You Want

http://adulted.about.com/od/timemanagement/tp/Positive-Thinking-Use-It-To-Get-What-You-Want.htm?nl=1It's easy to get stuck in a routine. We graduate from school, get married, raise a family, and somewhere in there, we get so busy living a life that happened accidentally, we forget that we can create the life we want. No matter what age you are, you have the power to change your life. We've got eight motivations to create the life you want. Start today. It's really not that hard.