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Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Teaching

When I teach Polish, my foreigners and I have to speak only Polish, and my English classes are run only in English.
This means they are required to forget about native language and start speaking as well as thinking in a foreign language.
Telling the truth, my method is extraordinarily revitalizing, challenging and exhausting for all of us. There is a lot of non-verbal communication, singing, acting, drawing, even dancing sometimes.
There is no space and time for analyzing grammar rules or memorizing isolated vocabulary. Nobody thinks about why we communicate the way we express our thoughts.
When a student does ask why? , my only response is because they (natives) say so, or they just talk like this.
My students learn the language in different contexts, mostly singing phrases, expressions, collocation, idioms, and phrasal verbs also telling stories. Moreover, I encourage them to talk to everybody even to themselves in a foreign language. As a result of this, they are able to identify a collection of compelling stories.
I correct only limited mistakes.  I do not want them to stop talking. I also encourage my students to listen to songs, watch movies with subtitles in a language they learn, read a lot and so forth.
Moreover, I use a lot of You Tube videos to improve student’s pronunciation, as well as, movies with English subtitles and of course songs.
I work in a huge Department of Foreign Languages and my colleagues know who is running a class because we make a lot of noise and we are happy together, enjoying our learning.

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