Wednesday 13th April
Complaints about a supposed decline in standards of English continue to be made, with increasing frequency, in the British press. Although these are nothing new - as the long history of use of would of for would have illustrates - they do draw attention to the way we seem to be going through a period of unusually rapid language change. This paper illustrates the main changes in pronunciation, orthography, grammar, and vocabulary, discusses the chief factors involved - social mobility, globalization, and the Internet - and compares the changes that have taken place in the past fty years with those that are likely to take place in the next fty.
10:30 live studio starts
10:50 interview with Nicky Hockly
11:15 interview with Pete Sharma
11:30 interview with Adam Kightley
11:45 interview with Zeyneb Urkun
12:00 interview with Silvana Richardson
12:15 interview with Jim Scrivener
12:30 interview with Gavin Dudeney
12:45 interview with George Pickering
13:00-14:00 break
14:00 interview with Hugh Dellar
14:00 interview with David Crystal
14:15 interview with Tessa Woodward
14:45 interview with Hornby scholars: Allwyn D'costa and Erkin Mukhammedor
15:00 interview with Hornby scholars: Mohammed Bashir and Abdallah Yousif
15:15 interview with Gail Ellis
15:30 interview with Hornby scholars Parwiz Hossain and Shoaib Jawad
15:45 interview with Alison Barrett
16:00 interview with Alan Maley
16:15 interview with Tim Phillips
Shakespeare lives: love, hate, death and desire in English language classroom
Speakers: Lisa Peter (The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust), Dr Christina Lim (lecturer, researcher and teacher educator), Shaheen Khan (actor), Lisa Peter (Shakespeare Birthplace Trust), Tonderai Munyevu (actor). Chaired by John Knagg, British Council.
Join the British Council to celebrate Shakespeare's work on teh 400th anniversary of his death. We will ecplore how Shakespeare has relevance to our society, students and classrooms today and how Shakespearecan speak to people from all around the world about universal human experiences like love, hate, death and desire.
The event will be practical, thought-provoking and fully interactive with the opportunity join in the discussion before, during and after, either in person and online. The audience will help to shape the event and on the day and participants will take away ideas to use in the classroom on how to address issues which feature in much of Shakespeare's work yet remain relevant today.
- See more at: Birmingham IATEFLBirmingham IATEFLJoin the British Council to celebrate Shakespeare's work on teh 400th anniversary of his death. We will ecplore how Shakespeare has relevance to our society, students and classrooms today and how Shakespearecan speak to people from all around the world about universal human experiences like love, hate, death and desire.
The event will be practical, thought-provoking and fully interactive with the opportunity join in the discussion before, during and after, either in person and online. The audience will help to shape the event and on the day and participants will take away ideas to use in the classroom on how to address issues which feature in much of Shakespeare's work yet remain relevant today.
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